Re: [AD] Exalpha looks wrong on SunOS |
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Sven Sandberg <ssven.geo@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Exalpha looks strange on SunOS. I'm using a Sun Ultra 5 with an 8 bit
> desktop, and the program uses 16 bit. I use Allegro 3.9.32. The machine
> uses big endian.
> I suspect
> there is something wrong with the generic C code for blitting between
> different color depths but I am of course only guessing. I could take a
> look at it next week unless someone else does it.
It is possible that display is in static (fixed) palette, not
read-write type palette, and program can select colors only from set
of predefined colors. In 8bpp display, there are usually several
available visuals (visual defines whether program will use static,
read-write, grayscale palette or truecolor mode) and one of visuals
is used by default. Old XwinAllegro had code for selecting best
(fastest and most flexible) visual, but in last WIPs default visual is
used, making code much simpler.
For XFree86 server, default visual class can be selected with
'-cc class' option where class is a number from 0 to 5 (look around
StaticColor in /usr/include/X11/X.h for the meaning of these
Interpretation of X environment by Allegro library can be obtained by
printing _xwin structure in debugger after initializing Allegro and
setting graphics mode.
Michael Bukin