Re: [AD] Some Debian compatibility issues

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Shawn Hargreaves <shawn@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> > Now I tried a compile with --enable-strict-warnings, and I got:
> Yeah, I had all sorts of problems with that. Some crazy warnings about 
> memcmp() as well, which couldn't be fixed no matter how I tried to cast the 
> arguments. And the configure script itself goes haywire if you try to run it 
> with -Wall -Werror, as half the test programs it uses will then fail, so it 
> ends up deciding that half of libc is missing! It looks to me like either 
> the libc headers or the autoconf test programs, or maybe both, just aren't 
> robust enough to handle that level of strictitude...

autoconf test programs use K&R C which is not always compatible with
-Wall -Werror.  IMHO, -Werror should not be placed in CFLAGS in
configure script, instead it should be added to some variable specific
to Allegro configure script which will not affect compilation of
configure tests.

Michael Bukin

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