Re: [AD] a 'bug' fix

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On Mon, Jan 03, 2000 at 12:57:52PM +0100, Henrik Stokseth wrote:
> be careful!!! some people does in fact have two 1.44mb floppy disks on
> their
> computer and your 'bug-fix' will disable support for drive B: in
> allegro.

No, when a second floppy drive is present, it should work without
problems, in that case b: is not assigned to a:, but it is a new drive.

But there is another funny thing about this. When I try to read something
from the logical drive directly in DOS, e.g. b:\test.exe, it asks for the
diskette. I give a diskette into my drive a: and it works. But then, 
the DOS function <get logical drive (I don't remember the numbers exactly)>
says that a: is a logical drive for b:. This is a thing I will try to
solve... although in this case Allegro's file selector works with b: :-)

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