[AD] Working on Allegro port for Borland C++Builder

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I am currently working on getting (Win)Allegro working with Borland
C++Builder.  (Yes, there are still some of us who use Borland
compilers!)  Unfortunately, because C++Builder is so strict as far as
ANSI compliance goes (at least I think that's the reason), it's not
possible to recompile the Allegro library (nor will it probably ever
be); you have to import the MSVC ones the way Mingw32 does.

Right now all I have is a header file, but creating a makefile would
probably be trivial.  (I've been IDE-fed all of my programming "career,"
so I don't have much experience with makefiles -- I remember using one
once :) -- but I think I could figure it out without any problems.)  I
have tested this with Allegro's Windows example programs, and with some
trivial changes (again, to conform to C++Builder's ANSI strictness, I
think), they work fine.  I would like to test this with more complex
programs, fix up any problems I find, write a makefile, etc, but . . .

Before I fix all of this and submit the code, am I duplicating anybody
else's work?  As of the most recent (?) WIP (I'm using 3.9.29, which I
think is the most recent -- the WIP is almost always down, at least from
my computer) there wasn't any support for C++Builder included in the
Allegro distribution, and it wasn't mentioned anywhere in the Readme.
If I am duplicating somebody else's work, then there's really no reason
for me to continue with this.  Otherwise, I'd like to fix the code up
and submit it to the Allegro dev team for inclusion in the next version
of Allegro.  Any thoughts?

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