Re: [AD] Working on Allegro port for Borland C++Builder

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Greg Hackmann <hacker@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> I am currently working on getting (Win)Allegro working with Borland
> C++Builder.


> Unfortunately, because C++Builder is so strict as far as ANSI compliance 
> goes (at least I think that's the reason), it's not possible to recompile 
> the Allegro library (nor will it probably ever be); 

Porting the library itself is a major job, because parts of it (especially 
inline asm, and use of many libc functions and OS calls) are extremely 
non-portable by definition. But you should certainly be able to get all the 
support programs and examples to compile cleanly: if not, they ought to be 
fixed up until they do work.

> you have to import the MSVC ones the way Mingw32 does.

I think that's a good way for most Windows compilers to do it.

> Before I fix all of this and submit the code, am I duplicating anybody
> else's work?

Not that I know of.

> (I'm using 3.9.29, which I think is the most recent

I released a 3.9.30 just before Christmas. But lib changes shouldn't affect 
your work too much, as the things you are changing will (I hope :-) be in 
quite different places.

Shawn Hargreaves - shawn@xxxxxxxxxx -
"A binary is barely software: it's more like hardware on a floppy disk."

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