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On Tue, Jan 04, 2000 at 04:50:49PM -0700, Michael Bourgeous wrote:
> The tilde is an accent in the Spanish language (although I believe that
> tilde-ed letters are treated as new letters), and maybe in Portug. (I don't
> remember how to spell it - Portuguese?). I think that there's a circular
> accent in Portug. as well.
At last I realized what it is. It is an accent, but not from the Slovak
language, but from the Czech language. I could map it as a new accent,
but there is a new problem. KEY_TILDE should be a normal ASCII character,
and SHIFT+KEY_TILDE the accent key that awaits another keypress. Now I
don't know what to do. I could make it as a normal key - it is only one
character with this accent, but I don't know, it there is a capital
character of this char in Czech language (i don't remember to have ever seen
a capital character of this), maybe some Czech people who hopefully
read this list could help...
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