Re: [AD] makedoc patch

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On Tue, 4 Jan 2000, Shawn Hargreaves wrote:
> The full section title is displayed as the comment to the right of the 
> index listing, so the main practical effect of this munging is that your 
> section headings all have to start with unique and distinctive words. But I 
> didn't find that too hard to manage: you just have to be sure to say "Mouse 
> routines" and "Keyboard routines", rather than "Routines for the mouse" and 
> "Routines for the keyboard" :-)

Yes, that's why I had to number the translated chapters in the spanish
version of the docs, since in spanish you can't start those sentences
with the noun they are related too :-)

It doesn't hurt, since it's only the cosmetical effect that spanish
sections have a number in front of them, something I also consider useful,
but not vital enough to suggest it for inclusion in the english version. 

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz - gradha@xxxxxxxxxx
Gogosoftware -

 Windows NT - Nuisance Test.

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