Re: [AD] makedoc patch

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Sven Sandberg <ssven@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> I am using the _tx format for my own projects, and found a feature in
> makedoc that is quite annoying:

If you've only found "a feature" in the singular, you are doing quite well 
so far :-)

> All chapter names in the texinfo format are truncated to only one word. I 
> can't think of any reason why it wants to do this, since everything works 
> just fine if I remove the code that truncates the name.

I don't remember why I did that, but there definitely was a reason for it: 
my first version didn't do this truncation, and there was some problem with 
it that required me to make this change. Sorry I don't recall exactly what 
this was: perhaps just me misunderstanding some aspect of how the info 
system works, or possibly an older version of the viewer didn't use to 
support what I was trying to do, but I think it might have been to do with 
cross references not getting matched up correctly.

It's not a fair debating tactic to give arguments that I can't remember the 
reasons for, since this makes it hard for you to come up with a 
counter-argument, so I do apologize for that :-) But my memory of having to 
write that code is clear enough that I'm reluctant to take it out again...

The full section title is displayed as the comment to the right of the 
index listing, so the main practical effect of this munging is that your 
section headings all have to start with unique and distinctive words. But I 
didn't find that too hard to manage: you just have to be sure to say "Mouse 
routines" and "Keyboard routines", rather than "Routines for the mouse" and 
"Routines for the keyboard" :-)

Shawn Hargreaves - shawn@xxxxxxxxxx -
"A binary is barely software: it's more like hardware on a floppy disk."

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