Re: [AD] Some Debian compatibility issues

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Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz <gradha@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Somehow. I cannot pipe the output of install-info to grep. However I can:
> install-info --version 2> tmp; grep Debian tmp; rm tmp

How about "install-info --version 2>&1 | grep Debian"? That redirects stderr 
to stdout, then pipes that as normal.

> Also, once you run grep, how do you know if the word was found?

if whatever_program | grep -q "searchstring"; then
   do stuff

> mv /usr/local/info/dir /usr/local/info/ddir
> At this moment info viewer keeps working, looks like the dir file at
> usr/local/info/dir is some copy of usr/info/dir.

The main system one is (at least for me :-) in /usr/info, it's just extra 
programs you install that go in /usr/local/info. The viewer merges contents 
from both files.

> Now I do 'install-info docs/' and it keeps working...

Does that add the entry to /usr/info/dir, or did it make a new dir file in 
the docs directory?

Shawn Hargreaves - shawn@xxxxxxxxxx -
"A binary is barely software: it's more like hardware on a floppy disk."

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