Re: [AD] Need a little bit of help with BCB port

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Greg Hackmann <hacker@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> Well, things are coming along well so far . . . 


> (if there's any desire to include this with the main Allegro distribution, 
> that is).

Of course: more platform support is always good.

> Even those "trivial changes" that I had to make disappeared when I made 
> the leap from IDE to makefile.  (It's strange . . . in the IDE, BCB is 
> really pushy about how WinMain() is declared and how to properly cast 
> function pointers, but those turn from errors to warnings when using the 
> command-line compilers.)

You probably have stricter warning options selected in the IDE, while the 
commandline compiler will default to very lax unless you explicitly turn on 
the warning options.

It would be nice to get rid of the warnings entirely if you can, though 
(either find a command option to turn them off if they are about silly 
things, or fix whatever causes them in the code if they are about valid 
things). It always bugs me when code doesn't compile cleanly. Not that I 
care all that much since I don't have BC myself and would therefore never 
actually see these warnings, but still, solid professional code should keep 
the compiler silent, IMHO :-)

> Except . . . a few examples still refuse to link (they're missing
> functions).  I think that it's due to the fact that I'm using WIP 3.9.30
> but I only have the 3.9.29 binaries, since they fail to link but compile
> fine (i.e. the compiler doesn't choke on the fact that the functions 
> aren't declared, so they must be in the include files). 

Very likely, actually I'm impressed that anything works at all! Changing the 
headers alters the order of symbols in the DLL, which can prevent things 
from being found, or result in them being linked to the wrong functions, so 
mixing versions is not a good idea.

I can't provide you the full DLL because my compiler won't optimise it 
properly, but I'm sure James will take care of it as soon as he sees your 
mail :-)

Shawn Hargreaves - shawn@xxxxxxxxxx -
"A binary is barely software: it's more like hardware on a floppy disk."

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