Re: [AD] Cygwin Port

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garth wrote:

> Are There Plans To use the cygwin set of tools to compile Allegro .

it has been considered. the only way that is possible for the moment
would be
to use the msvc generated dlls. so a cygwin port would look pretty much
the same
as as the current mingw32 port. the only difference i can think of is
that the
makefile should be written for bash.

> I'm confused as to what ming32 is. I thought it was the cygnus tools without
> the UNIX emulation layer?

yes, that's *basically* the difference.

> I have also got allegro to compile with MSVC and the cygnus tools and it
> works fine. Anyone interested in the make files?

a fully working makefile for cygwin would be cool to include in allegro.
if you have the time it would be nice if you could write a readme file
for it as well.

> The current MSVC one almost works but
> has problems with cp and $DJGPPDIR

cygwin doesn't have a djdir define, only djgpp has. the best thing would
be to
base the cygwin makefile on the mingw32 makefile as the two versions
would be
pretty much the same. i can't really imagine why you should have
problems with
cp. cygwin b20 comes with port of bash, which means you have an ideal
for porting unix stuff as you get rid of the long commandline problems
in dos
and you can also use all the sexy unix commands like cp, rm, mv, etc...

Sincerely Henrik Stokseth.
"Codito, egro sum - I code, therefore I am" - J.S.
E-Mail: hstokset@xxxxxxxxxx

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