Re: [AD] CPU yielding

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On Mon, Dec 20, 1999 at 09:33:55PM +0000, George Foot wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 20, 1999 at 12:29:51PM +0100, Vincent Penquerc'h wrote:
> > Since some people think having a yielding feature would be good and no one
> > seems to write it, I'm going to write it. I see two ways:
> > - add an entry to the system driver
> > - make it a regular routine which body is #ifdef'd
> > Do you have an opinion on this before I code it ?
> Put an entry in the system driver -- that's what it's for! :)

That's what I wanted to do, good :)

> I have a feeling Shawn didn't want this in Allegro though --
> still, it doesn't hurt to write the patches ready for when he
> gets back.

Hmmm, well, I'll do it and post it so that Damian Yerrick and others that
think it's useful can patch their copy of Allegro :)

Vincent Penquerc'h
Windows NT - New Trial

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