Re: [AD] another patch

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On 14 Nov 1999, Michael Bukin wrote:

IMHO this patch turns the mouse thing under X-Window simply excellent. No
more strange lock problems and precise mouse movement even with my loaded
system :-)

Great. Now, I have some questions. With the test program I am able to
create a 1600x1200x32 screen. Although this is great and impressive, I
think that this should be restricted, since my desktop is 1024x768 and I
can't even scroll to see the whole drawing area. Wouldn't it be good to
return -1 in set_gfx_mode to be practic about what screen resolution is
available? Maybe the virtual desktop size of the environment should be the
limit for this.

Another question: I've seen that except fading (especially in the demo),
the rest of the 8-bit drawing functions don't seem to hurt visual
performance too much (I am talking just about subjective observation, no
tests involved), but what is the most efficient way to write a graphic
program with Allegro under X-window, using always the smallest colour
depth resolution, or the color depth used by the environment? Is there any
way to detect it, or does GFX_SAFE do this automatically?

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz - gradha@xxxxxxxxxx
Gogosoftware -

 "If Windows sucked, it would be good for something."

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