Re: [AD] another patch

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Shawn Hargreaves <shawn@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> I'd like the people who did all this work to 
> get their names stuck up somewhere obvious in big flashing letters, but then 
> again, I'd hate to get into anything so organised or judgemental as trying 
> to sort the file based on how much work people did, so I'm not sure how best 
> it should be organised.

Personally, I like lists sorted alphabetically, because it is easier
for adding new entries and for finding something.

Now for suggestion.  I've got an idea about attracting more attention
to the AUTHORS file (and showing names in big letters :).  The idea is
to make new example program which will read the AUTHORS file and will
show it in various views: scrolling on the bottom line, scrolling up,
fading in by pages, flying away, like titles in star wars, etc.
I'm writing framework now and will post it when its done, so others
can extend it with new effects.  As a bonus, this example might be
used as a base for making titles in games.

BTW, I think it is enough just to be listed in the AUTHORS file.

Michael Bukin

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