Re: [translations] Starting Brazilian Portuguese translation for Docs

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Il giorno lun 23 lug 2018 alle 13:09, Rafael Fontenelle <rafaelff@xxxxxxxxx> ha scritto:
Em seg, 23 de jul de 2018 às 03:23, Federico Bruni
<fede@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> escreveu:

 Il giorno dom 22 lug 2018 alle 21:23, Rafael Fontenelle
 <rafaelff@xxxxxxxxx> ha scritto:

 How did you run ./configure?
 Contributor Guide says you should use an out of tree build, but IIRC
 translators should not do so.
I always run ./configure from the main directory and I run translation
 scripts when I'm in the Documentation directory.

I just ran ./ (also tested ./ --noconfigure &&
./configure, which gave the same result) from the rootdir, without a
out-of-tree build (I read about such issues in the mail list

Ok, good

Maybe what is causing is the particularities of my environment: Arch
Linux has bleeding edge software versions (a change introduced in a
newer version could  have not been already spotted by other distro
users) and to some incompatibilities that require some patching (see
attached shell script file, which I have to run before any 'make'

I've just tried and I get the same output.
I don't think it's your environment. These scripts are very old and unmaintained for years. I cannot even remember if they ever work as expected.

Anyway, I see that some files are generated:

[Documentation (translation %=)]$ git status
Sul branch translation
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/translation'.

Untracked files:
 (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


IIRC you can ignore po/pt_BR.po or just translated a few strings you might find later you have to translate there. But don't touch it until you get some understanding of how the translation process works, because IIRC most of the strings in that po file is useless.

Start working on the files in Documentation/pt_BR:

[Documentation (translation %=)]$ tree pt_BR/
├── GNUmakefile
├── included
├── texidocs
├── web
│   ├── common-macros.itexi
│   ├── community.itexi
│   ├── cyrillic.itexi
│   ├── download.itexi
│   ├── introduction.itexi
│   ├── macros.itexi
│   ├── manuals.itexi
│   └── news-headlines.itexi
└── web.texi

3 directories, 10 files

Your first patch should include the website, as it's the most important part of the Documentation.

If you have any question, let me know.

I notice 'Documentation/web.tely' was not generated when running
./configure -- is that expected?

Yes. The main website file is Documentation/web.texi.
All the website files end with .texi/.itexi while the other manuals pages end with .tely/.itely. Probably because the website does not have any lilypond snippet to be processed by lilypond-book.

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