Re: [translations] new to list

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Yes, my guess was correct.
Translators should not use build/ but run every command on the top directory.

I know that Contributor Guide does not warn about this.
There's an open issue on the tracker...

The title should be updated, as the scope of the issue is beyond git.

Il 11 ottobre 2017 19:33:03 CEST, Malte Meyn <lilypond@xxxxxxxxxxxx> ha scritto:

Am 11.10.2017 um 18:46 schrieb Federico Bruni:

Il giorno mer 11 ott 2017 alle 18:20, Malte Meyn <lilypond@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
ha scritto:

Am 10.10.2017 um 19:02 schrieb Jean-Charles Malahieude:
What about if you first build the binaries? I've noticed, when
working with a fresh clone, that the sequence is (from the top-dir
and a quadcore)


That was it. For building the binaries I ran with the
--noconfigure option. This works for building the binaries and the
docs but not for make check-translation.

Unlikely: you need to run ./configure before building the binary anyway.
Perhaps you checked out the translation branch after working on the
master branch, where maybe you worked on the build/ dir?

If I run ./ --noconfigure from the root directory and then
../configure from the build directory, it’s not enough, you need
./configure from the root directory or ./ without --noconfigure:

~/lilypond (translation=)$ rm -rf * # to clean all config things
~/lilypond (translation *=)$ git co -- * # to bring back the files known
to git
~/lilypond (translation=)$ ./ --noconfigure &>/dev/null
~/lilypond (translation=)$ mkdir build
~/lilypond (translation=)$ cd build
~/lilypond/build (translation=)$ ../configure &>/dev/null
~/lilypond/build (translation=)$ cd ../Documentation/
~/lilypond/Documentation (translation=)$ make ISOLANG=de check-translation
make: /python/ Kommando nicht gefunden
make: /python/ Kommando nicht gefunden
../make/stepmake.make:130: /stepmake/omf-targets.make: Datei oder
Verzeichnis nicht gefunden
make: *** Keine Regel, um „/stepmake/omf-targets.make“ zu erstellen.
~/lilypond/Documentation (translation=)$ cd ..
~/lilypond (translation=)$ ./ &>/dev/null
~/lilypond (translation=)$ cd Documentation/
~/lilypond/Documentation (translation=)$ make ISOLANG=de
check-translation >/dev/null # success warning: lilypond-doc gettext domain not found.
~/lilypond/Documentation (translation=)$

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