Re: [translations] new to list

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Le 10/10/2017 à 16:46, Malte Meyn a écrit :

Ok, here are two first questions:

CG section 5.9.2 of the says “Unmentioned files should not be translated.” and changes.tely is not mentioned but there are translations of changes.tely in the translation branch (es, it and fr). So I assume it’s okay to translate it also to German?

changes.tely might be the exception as long as other manuals are already available.

I’m trying to make check-translation according to but I get the following error message:

$ cd ~/lilypond
$ make ISOLANG=de check-translation
make: /python/ Kommando nicht gefunden
make: /python/ Kommando nicht gefunden
../make/stepmake.make:130: /stepmake/omf-targets.make: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden make: *** Keine Regel, um „/stepmake/omf-targets.make“ zu erstellen. Schluss.

This looks as if $(top-src-dir) in Documentation/GNUmakefile isn’t expanded to (the value of) $LILYPOND_GIT but I have no idea why … In case it’s relevant: I’m using GNU Make 4.2.1 and Python 3.6.2.

What am I doing wrong?

What about if you first build the binaries? I've noticed, when working with a fresh clone, that the sequence is (from the top-dir and a quadcore)

make -j5
make -j5 doc LANGS='fr'
cd Documentation/
make ISOLANG=fr NO_COLOR=1 check-translation > ../../chktrans

and then open chktrans and apply the changes.

Ich erfreue mich daß die Deutsche Übersetzung wieder erwegt…
Willkommen am Bord!


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