Re: [translations] Moving translation branch to 2.17

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Le 29/11/2012 16:22, David Kastrup disait :
Francisco Vila <> writes:

Definitely. I speak for myself: I can not work on translations unless
we are on 2.17. So, I have been waiting this moment to arrive.

I have tried the obvious of checking out the translations branch and
merging current master into it.

Four files are in conflict, Documentation/changes.tely (with obvious
diverging work, where we would just want to get the new version), but


where apparently parallel work has happened on both the translation
branch as well as on master.

This looks strange, since I have (on my fresh repo) only input and spacing that diverge, plus changes.

The resolution appears non-trivial for me and my French really is not up
to figuring out which of the versions would be considered canonical in
each case.  In the case of code examples, one can try using the version
from the untranslated English documentation.  I am not sure this is
always the right choice, though.

I don't understand why, but the part on /translation is the last updates that have been done (commit 90220594547127a65e0e2b91e45f4a1fa9ca0c5a labeled "Doc-fr: update for 2.16.1 (second part)") the day after you had merged /2.16 into it, and it corresponds with the English version that is online.

How might I help?


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