Re: [translations] GSoC: translating or not?

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Le 09/04/2012 10:58, Federico Bruni disait :

do you think that it's worth translating the new GSoC page?
I can see that Francisco has translated it, but I'm trying to do it and
I'm afraid that I'm writing a bunch of stupid things :-)
I mean, it's too technical for me.

And more important: whoever wants to apply for this program must be able
to speak a good English.

So I think that I'll translate the introduction and leave the detailed
list of tasks untranslated.

What do you think about it?

As a matter of fact, I've translated it in French for two reasons:

a) I consider it not very elegant to have just one page in the middle that doesn't get translated

b) It explains, for those who are not fluent in English and won't go to the tracker, what might be needed for resolving a "problem" or developing a useful enhancement.


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