Re: [translations] I must have missed some revision

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2011/6/21 Federico Bruni <fedelogy@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Il giorno lun, 20/06/2011 alle 23.37 +0200, Francisco Vila ha scritto:
>> You can also use
>>   gitk --all &
>> and use "search for [<<][>>] revision which adds/removes string:
>> Wagner"
>> the use the [<<] button to go backwards in time.
> this helped me a lot, thanks
> I've found that the change was made in August 2009, commit:
> c287061603fba87f9987c79aea45a00eeeca0033
> My first commit of it/learning/fundamental.itely was in December 2009,
> so many months after this change.
> What can be happened here?!?

I am sorry but it's difficult for me to answer this unespecific
question.  References to the problem are now a bit sparse.  That
commit you are talking about is 9181df064925f1de66 Docs-it: initial
translation, from 2009-12-11.  There, you add

+Un blocco @code{\score} deve sempre contenere una sola espressione musicale,
+e questa deve trovarsi subito dopo il comando @code{\score}.
+Ricorda che un'espressione musicale può essere qualsiasi cosa, da una
+singola nota a una grande espressione composta come
+  \new StaffGroup <<
+    @var{...insert the whole score of a Wagner opera in here...}
+  >>
+@end example

i.e. you don't translate the @example.  Then,

> The only problem I see is that the committish of my first translation
> gives 'fatal: bad object':
> a30fa41fac8fb2771a76f6d1edbec9714298ee36

This is an unexistant version.  Where did you take it from? Anyway,
you can still guess wich version did you translate the file from, put
a correct commitish in your file and run the script again; that should
give you a correct diff of changes to the original.

> But this does not explain why I missed that change.

I think yes, but I could be wrong.  I could need a coffe just now.

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain) ,

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