Re: [translations] How to use git

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Am 08.11.10 00:49, schrieb Valentin Villenave:
On Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 11:25 PM, Till Paala<till.rettig@xxxxxx>  wrote:
I just got annoyed by this superflous merge commit with the message
"Merge branch 'lilypond/translation' of
ssh:// into lilypond/translation"
that git does me almost all the time. How to pull correctly so this wouldn't
occur anymore?
I suspect it's perfectly normal. If others have been making changes
since the last time you've pulled, whenever you'll try and push a
commit it will have to merge your branch with the remote translation
branch in its current state.

My advice: before doing any modifications, always do git pull origin
This way you'll work with source code that is perfectly up-to-date,
and hopefully nobody will push another commit before you push your own
modifications. (If it does happen though, then git will just ask you
to pull again so that every changes get merged together.)
Ok, this seems to be the explanation: I normally pull and do a long diff with check-translation which I go through over the next week or so, then I push all my collected patches, and often git asks me to pull before, that is where this merge than appears and the merge commit gets created. I was remembering this could be avoided using git pull -r, but since this seems to conflict with the translation status check in some configurations I was somehow reluctant to using it. So if everybody can live with these "not necessary" commits than I will continue as before.
Sometimes ago I thought this was solved and I didn't get this kind of
commits anymore, but now they have reappeared and it seems everybody else
did understand the clou about it :-)
Well, unless I'm mistaken and we're talking about something totally
different than what I think it is, again, I think this is normal.
Hope this helps!

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