[translations] Re: Convert-ly on translations

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Am 15.11.10 12:54, schrieb Francisco Vila:
2010/11/15 Francisco Vila<paconet.org@xxxxxxxxx>:
Hello again.

It is critical that convert-ly can be run smoothly on all docs for 2.14. But see


All languages are now checked and only this issue remains AFAICT.
German team: some feedback welcome.
I have checked it.  If de/fretted-strings has @c \version 2.13.36 as
it should, then convert-ly on all docs only updates version strings,
no more changes besides that.  Closing Issue 1358 depends on version
of de/fretted.

Warnings include and limit to

   - de/notation/wind.itely Not smart enough to convert woodwind-diagrams
   - de/notation/percussion.itely Not smart enough, minimum-Y-extent is obsolete
   - de/notation/rhythms.itely Not smart enough, \bar "." now produces
a thick barline
   - de/notation/ancient.itely, minimum-Y-extent again

I will do this tonight if nobody is quicker.
sorry, I havn't had time to investigate this up til now. So far I didn't update version strings in none of the German files, but sure I updated all changes to lilypond snippets as well as text as up to the commitish indicated in the top of the file. I did run the convert-ly script once and did get some warnings like the above ones, but didn't have the time to investigate further.

If it just is about changing version strings and copying lilypond snippets from English to German then I can do this tonight.

So it appears to me fretted-strings has already the changes for/from 2.13.36 but the wrong version string prevent convert-ly from working correctly?


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