Re: [translations] Difference of documentation structures

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Yoshiki Sawada schrieb:

Why is that?
And which structure should I follow?
As Francisco already said, the English version is the right one, and this one has been reorganized. I have started the reorganization for the LM in German, so there are already the files/sections you mentioned, but only in GIT so far. Most of the new LM 1 is indeed new, except 1.2 and 1.3, which come from tutorial. section 2 is the latter part of the former tutorial. The old introduction consited of 1.1 which has been moved to an entirely new document: essay.tely, which includes now also literature.itely from the NR. 1.2 has been dropped, AFAICT.

It is indeed a total mess, and sometimes it appears to me that it would be easier to translate it all anew. Maybe it is worth waiting some other month until the reorganization has slowed down and we can be sure that there won't be any changes coming in terms of reorganization. I hope John will keep us informed about what is going on.

Yoshiki Sawada

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