Re: [translations] Difference of documentation structures

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2009/9/21 Yoshiki Sawada <sawada.yoshiki@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Hello everyone,
> Structures of documentation are different between English and other
> languages,
> Why is that?
> And which structure should I follow?

All documentation work is done in English first and it has been deeply
reorganized recently.  To keep our translations in sync we should
clone English structure and contents.

To have a preview of what amount of work do you have to do, issue this
command on Documentation/ :

    make ISOLANG=ja check-translation

I have a script that shows my progress comparing previous and current
output, I dump the output to a file and count its lines:

  wc -l ct
  make ISOLANG=es check-translation &>ct
  wc -l ct

where 'ct' is for 'check translations'.  Then I can inspect the
contents of ct by

  less -R ct

which preserves the colours of the diff.

For example, my ct is currently 25.000+ lines worth.

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)

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