Re: [translations] Difference of documentation structures

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Dear translators,
Le lundi 21 septembre 2009 à 23:05 +0300, Till Paala a écrit : 
> It is indeed a total mess, and sometimes it appears to me that it would 
> be easier to translate it all anew. Maybe it is worth waiting some other 
> month until the reorganization has slowed down and we can be sure that 
> there won't be any changes coming in terms of reorganization. I hope 
> John will keep us informed about what is going on.

I'm little informed on this (Graham makes changes weeks after they have
been discussed a little on -user list), but I'll strive to update the
priority list before I become almost disconnected (from Wednesday Sep.
30 to Sunday Oct. 4).  Unfortunately, I'm as busy as many of you so I
can't keep up with all traffic on -user and thus it's difficult to
inform you reliably :-(

Sorry for the mess,

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