Re: [tablatures] bends: pre-implementation issues

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Patrick Horgan schrieb:
Marc Hohl wrote:
Hello all,

I plan to work on the emplementation of bends for lilypond. Some preliminary tests with scheme were successful, so I want to go to the next stage soon and
create some new engravers. But there are still some unsolved issues.

But first, a brief explanation for all non-guitarists out there:
a band is achieved by pressing down a string and moving it along the frets. The string gets bend, and the resulting tone gets higher. There are three
1) the bend (or bend up): plucking the string, then doing the bend
2) release bend: plucking a already bent string. Sounds like a reverse bend. 3) pre bend: bend the unplucked string, pluck afterwards. Mostly (but not always)
followed by a release bend.
You leave out the common case of a release bend without a pluck, following a bend. It's common in blues for example, to pluck, bend up a whole step, then back down a half step without an intervening pluck, for example leaving the string bent (and then of course shaking it all around). How would you notate that? _ / \ ~~~~~~~~~ note the ascii art won't work so well if you have variable width chars;) __/ Patrick
Thanks for your hint! I wasn't referring to all possibilities, but mainly the three fundamental parts
which can be combined to more complex bend fingures.

I would notate this as

e \bend fis \release f

(durations aside).



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