Re: [tablatures] Tablature Feature Request Examples - Part 2

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On 1/5/10 7:54 AM, "David Stocker" <dstocker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Here are more examples of usage in guitar tablature. I realize that some
> of these are complex. The reason I put down some more complex examples
> is so that those doing the coding for this may see potential problems
> early on and be able to leave the code open-ended and flexible enough
> handle more complex scenarios in the future. In this way, I hope that as
> more features are implemented, a re-write of existing code won't be
> necessary in order to accommodate them.

Looking at this example, I'm more convinced that bend should be a property
of a note.  The numbers above the staff on the tablature should be
TabNoteHeads, not part of a bend graphic.  The bend graphic should connect
the TabNoteHeads.  And in the regular staff, the bend graphic should connect
the NoteHeads.

I guess there will need to be some kind of merge command for the
tabNoteHeads if they have the same amount of bend.

Thanks for the examples, David.


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