[tablatures] Re: bends: pre-implementation issues

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Han-Wen Nienhuys schrieb:
I am confused here.  Are you trying to implement the symbols that are
on the tab staff, or on the normal notation?
Both. But first, I want to concentrate on the pointed slurs in the normal notation, make that the default for normal staves *and* tablature and then (as tablature will be changed to "numbers only" in ly/engraver-init.ly) overwrite the engraver to
produce the arrows instead of the pointed slurs.

Would it be a sensible option to create a new slur style and activate it by

\override Slur #'style = #'pointed

or something similar? Then most parts of the slur computation
routines hadn't to be duplicated, just extended to draw pointed slurs.

On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 5:44 PM, Marc Hohl <marc@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Oops, I just sent a mail with an attachment that seems to be too big
for -devel, I don't know where the limits are for the tablature list.
I'll upload it to my homepage:



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