Re: [tablatures] Re: bends: pre-implementation issues

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On 1/5/10 12:36 PM, "Marc Hohl" <marc@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Han-Wen Nienhuys schrieb:
>> I am confused here.  Are you trying to implement the symbols that are
>> on the tab staff, or on the normal notation?
> Both. But first, I want to concentrate on the pointed slurs in the
> normal notation,
> make that the default for normal staves *and* tablature and then (as
> tablature will
> be changed to "numbers only" in ly/ overwrite the
> engraver to
> produce the arrows instead of the pointed slurs.
> Would it be a sensible option to create a new slur style and activate it by
> \override Slur #'style = #'pointed
> or something similar? Then most parts of the slur computation
> routines hadn't to be duplicated, just extended to draw pointed slurs.

I wouldn't recommend doing that as a way to start, because bend indications
always go between two sequential notes, and slurs can span as many notes as

For hacking on it, when you don't have a bend_engraver to create a different
kind of spanner, I can see that torturing the slur_engraver can be helpful.
But if you look at David's sheet, you'll see that sometimes bends are
enclosed inside of slurs, so losing the slur to the bend is probably not a
good approach.



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