Re: [tablatures] Tablature Feature Request Examples - Part 2

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....and here's a *.pdf of the notes on the examples.

David Stocker wrote:
Here are more examples of usage in guitar tablature. I realize that some of these are complex. The reason I put down some more complex examples is so that those doing the coding for this may see potential problems early on and be able to leave the code open-ended and flexible enough handle more complex scenarios in the future. In this way, I hope that as more features are implemented, a re-write of existing code won't be necessary in order to accommodate them.

Hats off Mark and Carl (and everyone else who is able to contribute - now and in the future) for making this developments happen and kudos to the entire LilyPond -devel and documentation teams for all your efforts. I know the job can be thankless sometimes. I'm sure I speak for the community when I say we're grateful to have this wonderful tool at our disposal and the world of Music Typesetting is better for it.



Attachment: guitar-tab2-notes.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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