Re: [tablatures] Tablature and Frescobaldi template

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Federico Bruni schrieb:
Valentin Villenave wrote:
On Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 8:04 PM, Federico Bruni <brunology@xxxxxxx> wrote:
I attach a template I use to start with to write polyphonic pieces.
It's especially useful for fingerstyle guitarists.

Added as

This template will give an error because of \clef "moderntab" (which prints TAB with a modern font). To make it work, you have to include "" and add this code (again, by Marc Hohl) to scm/parser-clef.scm:

;; a function to add new clefs at runtime
(define-public (add-new-clef clef-name clef-glyph clef-position octavation c0-position) "Append the entries for a clef symbol to supported-clefs and c0-pitch-alist"
(set! supported-clefs
(acons clef-name (list clef-glyph clef-position octavation) supported-clefs))
(set! c0-pitch-alist
(acons clef-glyph c0-position c0-pitch-alist)))

So you can either remove \clef "moderntab" or add this information in the LSR.
I'd prefer to remove the modern clef, or rewrite it to \clef "tab", because hacking in
lilypond's externals is way beyond what is expected from a simple snippet.



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