Re: [tablatures] arpeggio not displayed on TabStaff on 2.13.3

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Marc Hohl wrote:
Federico Bruni schrieb:
* remove parentheses around numbers from ties after a line break and from repeatTie (this requires also some changes in
Perhaps there will be an option so that you can switch between parenthesized fret
numbers and no numbers at all - I'll think about it.

that would be great
if you add this option, I wouldn't need to edit config files in 2.13.4

I think we should add
* make slurs visible again for hammer on and pull off, but their appearance should be refined. Or are there situations where a slur should *not* be indicated in a TabStaff?

No, as far as I know..

I mean, we are using slurs to produce hammeron, pulloff and bendings. That's it, right?
All of them should always be indicated in a TabStaff..

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