Re: [tablatures] Tablature and midi

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Grammostola Rosea schrieb:

I was wondering, is it possible to hear the new tab features like bends, hammerons etc in the generated midi file? Or is some extra work needed to get this done if it is possible at all?

I am no MIDI specialist - I think bends could be realised with a portamento effect, hammerons could be simulated with a legato note for the first note, so the sound of the first note will last to the very beginning of the second note etc., but I don't know how to implement it.

If anyone would be interested in trying to do so, search for articulate in the archives - Peter Chubb implemented articulations in the MIDI output, but unfortunately, he doesn't seem to continue his work, but this file demonstrates the way how to manipulate notes for the desired effects. Actually, I don't
have the time to cover MIDI output...



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