Re: [frogs] chord-name-engraver plus capo - schemeing away ...

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I'm sorry that I haven't been in on this conversation.   I've had a *very*
unreliable internet connection for the past week.

On 8/27/10 4:01 PM, "Neil Puttock" <n.puttock@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On 27 August 2010 17:56, Wols Lists <antlists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>  On 27/08/10 17:18, Neil Puttock wrote:
>>> On 27 August 2010 16:59, Wols Lists <antlists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>  Okay. I (think I) know how to call scheme from C++. And I've been told
>>>> it's a lot easier to manipulate markup in scheme than C++. So I need to
>>>> write two functions in scheme, and call them from my engraver. Help! :-)
>>> I'm still not convinced you need a separate formatter.
>> Because you've missed the entire point of what I'm doing. As far as I
>> can tell, the formatter is chosen by the user - whether standard,
>> ignaziek or whatever - and fed a series of notes. It then returns ONE
>> chord to the engraver, which the engraver then prints.
>> So if I did what you suggest, I would have to rewrite EVERY FORMATTER!
>> (sorry for the shouting :-)
> There are only two styles (forget Banter, it doesn't work and will be
> removed eventually).  Both are already somewhat modular in that they
> rely on several library functions defined in scm/chord-name.scm, so it
> shouldn't be too difficult to create a handler for capos which can be
> slotted in to both formatters without excess duplication.

There's a work in process to rewrite the chord name function.  I think that
the approach that Anthony is taking is correct.

>> As modified, once capoFret is set, for every ONE chord fed INTO the
>> engraver, it will spit TWO chords OUT. So I need some way of combining
>> things.
> And as I said, you don't want to do this in C++.  There's a good
> reason why `line-markup' is only called outside scheme from the
> parser: it's painful to juggle several markups this way, and separte
> markups which should be stacked are usually treated as separate grobs
> (or stacked internally by whatever function's doing the formatting).

I'd recommend that a scheme function be written (part of chord-name.scm)
that takes two chord markups and an orientation, and spits out the
appropriate chord markup.  Then you can just call the chord name procedure
twice and the combiner once.



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