[frogs] chord-name-engraver plus capo |
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Finally! Thanks Neil - it all worked!
So here it is, the new engraver. It could probably be tweaked to look a
bit nicer, but it's there and it works. And I need a column markup
function to finish it off :-) but here it is for your review.
The warning needs fixing - I haven't worked out why the compiler doesn't
like "origin".
All the changes are guarded by an "if (capo) {}", so it shouldn't change
*anything* unless the user has deliberately set capoFret in their .ly file.
The only other file modified is define-context-properties.scm, which
suppresses warnings rather than is critical. I'm away for the weekend,
so I'll put some effort into serious commenting later when I get the
chance. If you can give me any clues where I've guessed wrong it would
be appreciated. Enjoy :-)
This file is part of LilyPond, the GNU music typesetter.
Copyright (C) 1998--2010 Jan Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@xxxxxxx>
Copyright (C) 2010 Anthony Youngman <anthony@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
LilyPond is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
LilyPond is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with LilyPond. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <iostream>
#include "chord-name.hh"
#include "context.hh"
#include "dimensions.hh"
#include "engraver.hh" // required for all engravers ?
#include "font-interface.hh"
#include "international.hh" // required to translate stuff eg error
#include "item.hh"
#include "output-def.hh"
#include "pitch.hh"
#include "protected-scm.hh"
#include "stream-event.hh"
#include "text-interface.hh"
#include "warn.hh"
#include "translator.icc" // required to define the engraver as a
// define the class here
class Chord_name_engraver : public Engraver // declare the engraver as
an engraver
TRANSLATOR_DECLARATIONS (Chord_name_engraver);
// functions inherited from translator base class - declare and define
as required
// virtual void initialize(); // set up for each grob as it is
// void start_translation_timestep(); // this is called for all
active grobs at the start of each timeslice ?
void process_music (); // called after all events have been heard
// void process_acknowledged(); // or grobs acknowledged
void stop_translation_timestep (); // called for active grobs at
the end of each timeslice
virtual void finalize (); // tie up any loose ends when the
grob finishes
// other functions
virtual void derived_mark () const;
DECLARE_TRANSLATOR_LISTENER (note); // tells the engraver to
process notes ?
DECLARE_TRANSLATOR_LISTENER (rest); // tells the engraver to
process rests ?
private: // member variable names end with an underscore
Item *chord_name_;
vector<Stream_event*> notes_;
SCM last_chord_;
Stream_event *rest_event_;
// ugh - surely there's a better way to do this ...
Pitch capo_transpose_[11]; // store the pitches to transpose down by
Chord_name_engraver::Chord_name_engraver ()
// As each context is created, the engravers are attached. This
initialises the engraver.
// these variables carry context forward from note to note.
chord_name_ = 0;
last_chord_ = SCM_EOL;
rest_event_ = 0;
// assume we're starting from C and transposing down // see above -
this must be a crap way of doing it
capo_transpose_[0] = Pitch (0, -1, 0); // B
capo_transpose_[1] = Pitch (0, -1, FLAT_ALTERATION); // B flat
capo_transpose_[2] = Pitch (0, -2, 0); // A
capo_transpose_[3] = Pitch (0, -2, FLAT_ALTERATION); // A flat
capo_transpose_[4] = Pitch (0, -3, 0); // G
capo_transpose_[5] = Pitch (0, -4, SHARP_ALTERATION); // F sharp
capo_transpose_[6] = Pitch (0, -4, 0); // F
capo_transpose_[7] = Pitch (0, -5, 0); // E
capo_transpose_[8] = Pitch (0, -5, FLAT_ALTERATION); // E flat
capo_transpose_[9] = Pitch (0, -6, 0); // D
capo_transpose_[10] = Pitch (0, -7, SHARP_ALTERATION); // C sharp
// initialize()
// start_translation_timestep()
Chord_name_engraver::process_music ()
// This is called for each note or rest.
// It is called as a result of being registered with
SCM markup; // to store markup in
SCM bass = SCM_EOL; // remember notes to create chord
SCM inversion = SCM_EOL;
SCM pitches = SCM_EOL;
SCM capo_markup; // and transposed notes for capo chord
SCM capo_bass = SCM_EOL;
SCM capo_inversion = SCM_EOL;
SCM capo_pitches = SCM_EOL;
int capo = 0; // declare capo as both flag and value
if (rest_event_)
{ // process a rest
SCM no_chord_markup = get_property ("noChordSymbol");
if (!Text_interface::is_markup (no_chord_markup))
markup = no_chord_markup;
{ // process a note event
if (!notes_.size ())
// get capo fret
// This is set by "\set ChordNames.capoFret = #3" in the lily
source file
// declare properties in define-context-properties.scm
SCM capofret = get_property ("capoFret");
if (scm_is_number (capofret))
capo = scm_to_int (capofret);
if (capo < 0 || capo > 23)
// !!! TODO !!! FIX !!!
// origin ()->warning (_f ("invalid capo fret; must be 0 to 23,
found: \"%i\"",
// capo));
capo = 0; // set to 0 to ignore
if (capo >= 12)
capo -= 12; // if you can put the capo above 12th fret, we
don't care about octaves
Stream_event *inversion_event = 0;
for (vsize i = 0; i < notes_.size (); i++)
{ // step through each note in turn
Stream_event *n = notes_[i];
SCM p = n->get_property ("pitch");
if (!unsmob_pitch (p))
if (n->get_property ("inversion") == SCM_BOOL_T)
inversion_event = n;
inversion = p;
if (capo)
{ // transpose the pitch // note that p here is not p above!
Pitch *p = unsmob_pitch (n->get_property ("pitch")); //
convert the pitch to a C++ class (Pitch)
Pitch orig = p->transposed (capo_transpose_[capo-1]); // Now
transpose it
capo_inversion = orig.smobbed_copy (); // and convert
it back to a scheme object
else if (n->get_property ("bass") == SCM_BOOL_T)
bass = p;
if (capo) {
Pitch *p = unsmob_pitch (n->get_property ("pitch"));
Pitch orig = p->transposed (capo_transpose_[capo-1]);
capo_bass = orig.smobbed_copy ();
pitches = scm_cons (p, pitches);
if (capo) {
Pitch *p = unsmob_pitch (n->get_property ("pitch"));
Pitch orig = p->transposed (capo_transpose_[capo-1]);
capo_pitches = scm_cons ( orig.smobbed_copy (), capo_pitches);
if (inversion_event)
SCM oct = inversion_event->get_property ("octavation");
if (scm_is_number (oct))
Pitch *p = unsmob_pitch (inversion_event->get_property ("pitch"));
int octavation = scm_to_int (oct);
Pitch orig = p->transposed (Pitch (-octavation, 0, 0));
pitches = scm_cons (orig.smobbed_copy (), pitches);
// if capo sort this out later !!!
programming_error ("inversion does not have original pitch");
pitches = scm_sort_list (pitches, Pitch::less_p_proc);
if (capo)
capo_pitches = scm_sort_list (capo_pitches, Pitch::less_p_proc);
SCM name_proc = get_property ("chordNameFunction");
markup = scm_call_4 (name_proc, pitches, bass, inversion,
context ()->self_scm ());
if (capo)
capo_markup = scm_call_4 (name_proc, capo_pitches, capo_bass,
context ()->self_scm ());
Ugh. // Why's this ughly?
// do we need any more capo stuff here beyond setting the chord name text?
SCM chord_as_scm = scm_cons (pitches, scm_cons (bass, inversion));
chord_name_ = make_item ("ChordName",
rest_event_ ? rest_event_->self_scm () : notes_[0]->self_scm ());
if (!capo)
chord_name_->set_property ("text", markup);
SCM capovertical = get_property ("capoVertical");
// how do I combine text and markup to get "markup (capo_markup)" !!!
SCM paren_proc = ly_lily_module_constant ("parenthesize-markup");
SCM line_proc = ly_lily_module_constant ("line-markup");
SCM hspace_proc = ly_lily_module_constant ("hspace-markup");
SCM final_markup = scm_list_n (line_proc,
scm_list_3 (markup,
scm_list_2 (hspace_proc,
scm_from_int (1)),
scm_list_2 (paren_proc, capo_markup)),
chord_name_->set_property ("text", final_markup);
SCM chord_changes = get_property("chordChanges");
if (to_boolean (chord_changes) && scm_is_pair (last_chord_)
&& ly_is_equal (chord_as_scm, last_chord_))
chord_name_->set_property ("begin-of-line-visible", SCM_BOOL_T);
last_chord_ = chord_as_scm;
// process_acknowledged()
Chord_name_engraver::stop_translation_timestep ()
chord_name_ = 0;
notes_.clear ();
rest_event_ = 0;
Chord_name_engraver::finalize ()
Chord_name_engraver::derived_mark () const
scm_gc_mark (last_chord_);
IMPLEMENT_TRANSLATOR_LISTENER (Chord_name_engraver, note);
Chord_name_engraver::listen_note (Stream_event *ev)
notes_.push_back (ev);
IMPLEMENT_TRANSLATOR_LISTENER (Chord_name_engraver, rest);
Chord_name_engraver::listen_rest (Stream_event *ev)
ASSIGN_EVENT_ONCE(rest_event_, ev);
The READs description is not strictly accurate:
which properties are read depend on the chord naming function active.
ADD_TRANSLATOR (Chord_name_engraver,
/* doc */
"Catch note and rest events and generate the appropriate
/* create */
"ChordName ",
/* read */ // list of properties it reads
"capoFret " // added for capo
"capoVertical "
"chordChanges "
"chordNameExceptions "
"chordNameFunction "
"chordNoteNamer "
"chordRootNamer "
"chordNameExceptions "
"majorSevenSymbol "
"noChordSymbol ",
/* write */
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