Re: [frogs] chord-name-engraver plus capo - schemeing away ...

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 On 28/08/10 19:02, Carl Sorensen wrote:
> I'd recommend that a scheme function be written (part of chord-name.scm)
> that takes two chord markups and an orientation, and spits out the
> appropriate chord markup.  Then you can just call the chord name procedure
> twice and the combiner once.
Actually, wouldn't this be better in the markup functions? Write a
generic function called combine-markup that just takes two markups, a
flag to say next to each other or one above the other, and the gap (if
any) between them.

As I say, I've often wanted to combine markups and got totally
frustrated (things like where I've got a rehearsal mark clashing with
something else ...)


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