Re: [frogs] Another new tadpole?

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 On 10/08/10 00:18, Trevor Daniels wrote:
> I'm getting puzzled now.  \transpose can already be invoked to
> change chord names, can't it?  What functionality does
> it lack that you need?  (Sorry if the answer's obvious - I'm not
> a guitar player.)  I can see the capo is not fully supported in
> fret diagrams.  AFAICS this currently has to be provided for every
> fret diagram.  But if you only want chord names perhaps a slightly
> different way of invoking \transpose would suffice?
I'll reply more thoroughly to Carl's emails, but what I'm doing is
annotating piano music with guitar chords.

So given my example of a piece in g-minor, it prints the piano music and
the chords in g-minor. Fine. BUT as the chord engraver prints the
chord-names in g-minor, it needs to transpose them on the fly and print
them in e-minor AS WELL.

Carl's response makes me think I can call transpose from the chord
engraver, that's great, but I can't see any way of doing that from a
lily score at the moment. And imho it feels like this does belong in the
engraver, anyway.


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