Re: [frogs] Another new tadpole?

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Wols Lists wrote Sunday, August 08, 2010 11:52 PM

It rather flies with a Phenom X3 and 4Gb ram :-)

OK, you're all set.

But it's bedtime (GMT+1 here), so if you can give me any further leads (or do I have to just dive into the engraver and say "help, what does
this mean"), I'll follow it up tomorrow.

Yes, diving into the chords engraver is the next step.

Carl wrote a few generic words on engravers in the CG
which will give you a start.  Then read through the
engraver to understand how it works, asking questions
on the list as soon as you can't find an answer yourself
within, say, 10 minutes thinking.  Your C experience will
help.  Watch out for macros (in uppercase); see what they
do.  git grep will help you find things.  When you have a
feel for what is happening you can begin to plan what you
need to do.  Hopefully Carl will be back before then and
can take over from me.

It's midnight here too, so I'm off to bed myself shortly.


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