Re: [frogs] chord name engraver plus capo

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On 25/08/10 21:51, Wols Lists wrote:
And how do I combine the markups? I'm not going to bother with vertical
>> markup at the moment. That'll be easier once I've got to grips with the
>> rest of it.
> This is really something that should be done in scheme, since it's
> tedious in C++ to call markup commands (see for a
> simple example using \vcenter).
> Ideally you'd get the formatting done in the existing chord name formatter.
This is actually the whole point of this change - afaict I *can't* use
the existing chord name formatter. Because I've got TWO chords that I'm
trying to print as two chords but one markup.

But thanks for the pointer to clef-engraver - I'll investigate. And
thanks for the property stuff.
> Cheers,
> Neil
Here's hoping it all works :-)

I've now had a look at clef-engraver ... and I'm none the wiser :-(

What I need to do is:

chord-name-engraver creates, let's say, "C" as markup. I've added code that makes it *also* generate "A" as markup (but at the moment, it does nothing with it).

Now, instead of it returning "C" as it does at present, I want it to return "C (A)". I gather there's a function to parenthesize things? And then I need to stick them together, with a space between them, before returning the result.


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