Re: [frogs] chord name engraver plus capo

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On 25 August 2010 18:02, Wols Lists <antlists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> How do I actually get hold of the property capoFret?

get_property ("capoFret");

You could do context ()->get_property ("...") but there's no need
since get_property is overloaded for translators:

this->get_property ("...")

is equivalent to

daddy_context_->get_property ("...")

where daddy_context_ is the context where the engraver's defined
(i.e., ChordNames).

> And how do I combine the markups? I'm not going to bother with vertical
> markup at the moment. That'll be easier once I've got to grips with the
> rest of it.

This is really something that should be done in scheme, since it's
tedious in C++ to call markup commands (see for a
simple example using \vcenter).

Ideally you'd get the formatting done in the existing chord name formatter.


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