Re: [frogs] Re: git problem

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I've copied this to Frogs so everybody will see it.

it seems as I would have a problem with the frog mailing list. I didnt receive my own post and also not yours (my contribution).? 

The patch you sent had good docstrings, and the format was right, but the
docstrings were in the wrong location.  The docstrings belong after the
argument list and the argument type list for the music function being

I followed the discussion on l-devel (grace) and saw the solution too late.

It was a simple fix, and I have made it, so you don't need to do anything

I then tried to insert the patch to my git branch, but ran into other troubles (blanks etc.).
And started to have a deeper look into git and this will take some time to understand.

However, I made a mistake when I gave this assignment, because I didn't give
you instructions about how to test your code to make sure it works.  And the
test for these changes requires building the documentation on your machine,
which requires more than a standard executable setup, so not all of the
Frogs may be able to do it.

If you have
1) obtained the lilypond source using git, and
2) configured your machine to be able to build lilypond, at least the
I found on the kainhofer pages a very good introduction (Contributors guide) and installed the translate and the web branch with git on my own machine. 

you can test your changes by changing to the Documentation/user directory
and running the commands

make web

followed by

make web-clean
I havent tried that yet, but although I did in former times a lot of compilations with Linux I still have some problems in finding the right bibliotheks, compilers etc. to compile lilypond on the ubuntu system.

So you see I am on one hand still on board, but on the other hand I need a big learning phase which I have to do with my own rate.

There is so much traffic on the channel, which is sometimes hard to understand and not within my focus. So I switched to digest format on l-devel.

I would propose due to my conflicting timemanagement that I sort of suspend my frogbeeing for the time to come, but if you have nothing against it, will try to follow the frog-discussion.

In the meantime as my time permits I will study the other documentations, get aquainted with git (I saw a chance to use git for my Studion-Wiki ( , and try to find a main focus to things which can be done with my background to Lilypond or Mutopia.

I hope that this solution is suitable for you. If anything changes I will of course get into contact with you.

All the best


... indessen wandelt harmlos droben das Gestirn

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