[kobuge-devel] Regarding posting style (was: New Members)

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Hi there,

Scroll down for my answer ;)

2015-08-17 10:12 GMT+02:00 Manson Mamaril <mansonmamaril@xxxxxxxxx>:
Hi Bojidar,

1. I imagine them helping with the games we are making and for those who not expert on the field, we (or those experts) will be the mentors.

1.1 I also imagine like a GSOC-like pattern in which new comers have games in mind and we are mentors? :)

2. The best would be on a weekend... the only difference is the time zones...

3. Everybody would be welcome... as long as we would understand each other's goal... :D

On Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 3:45 PM, Божидар Маринов <bojidar.marinov.bg@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Manson,

👍 That sounds like a great idea. I have some questions though...
1. What is expected from us? To hang in IRC waiting for questions? To help them learn godot better?
2. How would we choose that week? Consensus?
3. Are there going to be any limits on the number of newcomers or are people going to be graded and filtered (or anybody is welcome)?

In most mailing lists, people tend to prefer the use of "bottom-posting" or "interleaved-posting" instead of the "top-posting" Outlook and Co have been forcing on us for 20+ years.

What we call top-posting is the fact to reply _above_ the email that one replies to; it's the default behaviour in most email clients or webmails, but it's also completely counter-intuitive, as we read from left to right and top to bottom, and not from bottom to top..

So it would be nice if you could try to use bottom-posting instead of top-posting, i.e. reply after the text you are replying to. Even better, you can cut the parts of the history that are not relevant to your answer, and insert your own answer inline, as you would do on a forum with quotes. I'll give an example of good "netiquette" in my answer to the original topic.

For example in Manson's answer to Bojidar, it would have been nice if each point had been answered under Bojidar's original question, like:

1. What is expected from us? To hang in IRC waiting for questions? To help them learn godot better?

I imagine them helping with the games we are making and for those who not expert on the field, we (or those experts) will be the mentors.

I also imagine like a GSOC-like pattern in which new comers have games in mind and we are mentors? :) 

2. How would we choose that week? Consensus?

More on this topic: http://www.idallen.com/topposting.html


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