Re: [chrony-users] Best strategy for calculating average synchronization time.

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On Mon, Jul 22, 2024 at 01:56:36PM +0000, Whelan, Andy wrote:
>  My management wants to know how fast Machine B time is converging to its time source Machine A.
> Question 1: You're answer included "You would need an independent process measuring the error of the system clock. It could be a second chronyd instance running with the -x option"
> I'm not following how I would use this second chrony instance to determine an average of how fast Machine B time is converging to its time source Machine A. Could you provide some detail?
> Question 2 "Chrony -x" - So we are running 2 instances of chrony on the same machine? Does chrony -x get passed its own chrony.conf?

Yes, you would give its own config with the -f option. It needs to
specify its own pidfile, driftfile, bindcmdaddress, cmdport. See this
related FAQ entry:

You would configure it to poll much more frequently than the tested
instance to better see what it is doing and how long it takes for the
error to reach your acceptable value. You would monitor the 'System
time' offset printed by chronyc (using the -h option to connect to the
right instance).

You would repeat the experiment multiple times to get an average

Miroslav Lichvar

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