[chrony-users] Certain NTS servers not synching, how to best troubleshoot ?

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I have a weird situation where I cannot get NTS working to the netnod.se series of servers (e.g. gbg1-ts.nts.netnod.se )

Other NTS server are working without issue (e.g. ntppool1.time.nl) so its not 4460 being blocked on a firewall.

What steps can I take to troubleshoot it ?

I've tried "tcpdump -npi ens3 host gbg1-ts.nts.netnod.se" but nothing comes up, even if I do a "chronyc offline gbg1-ts.nts.netnod.se" and "chronyc online gbg1-ts.nts.netnod.se" in a different window.

So I'm not sure how best to get some data to work on ?

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