Re: [chrony-users] Best strategy for calculating average synchronization time.

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On Wed, Jul 17, 2024 at 12:53:47PM +0000, Whelan, Andy wrote:
> I want to try to try a bunch of experiments where we manually change the times on machine B and monitor how fast the system time on machine B synchronizes to, say within a second of Machine A. I want to calculate an average synchronization time.

You would need an independent process measuring the error of the
system clock. It could be a second chronyd instance running with the
-x option using a much shorter polling interval.

Please note that if you step the system clock of machine B behind
chrony's back, you will disrupt its loop and it might take longer to
recover than if you stepped the server's clock, or stepped the B's
clock by using the chronyc settime and makestep commands.

Miroslav Lichvar

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