[chrony-users] Best strategy for calculating average synchronization time.

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For the purpose of this conversion I want us to imagine that I have a networked system  of two computers where:

1)A machine (Machine A) configured as a chrony server. It serves as the main time source of the two machines. Let's say it has a GPS reference  (although that’s irrelevant to the question).


2)We have a second machine (Machine B)with chrony configured to use machine A as its time source. So Machine B is a client of Machine A as far as chrony is concerned.


I want to try to try a bunch of experiments where we manually change the times on machine B and monitor how fast the system time on machine B synchronizes to, say within a second of Machine A. I want to calculate an average synchronization time.


My question is: Using tools like chronyc, timedatectl, chrony logs etc., is there a good strategy that sticks out for doing this?


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