Re: [chrony-users] Chrony and systemd-timesyncd

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On Fri, Jul 12, 2024 at 01:32:21PM +0200, Jan Claußen wrote:
> So to not make me suffer more than necessary figuring out how to make all these other services happy, I would like to ise chrony only as an NTP server for some other client devices, which are not directly connected to the internet. This would require me to run timesyncd and chronyd at the same time. So I would have some questions:
> Is it problematic to run chrony alongside timesyncd, even when only used as a server?

Not a problem if chronyd is configured to not touch the system clock,
only serve time from it. That would mean no sources specified in the
config, or use the -x option.

But I think you would need to remove the conflict between the two
services from their systemd unit files and in that case you might just
as well disable timesyncd and run chronyd as a client.

Generally, it's better to avoid timesyncd:

Miroslav Lichvar

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