[chrony-users] Re: Chrony and systemd-timesyncd

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On Fri, Jul 12, 2024 at 01:32:21PM GMT, Jan Claußen wrote:

> If the hardware clock indeed does sync from the RTC, what is the
> refclock directive needed for? Can I actually use the RTC here is
> this for another purpose?

The * refclock * directive is for configuring reference clocks such as
PPS lines or even atomic clocks. These are much more precise than
RTC. They form the stratum 0 of the NTP network. I don't think you can
use a RTC as stratum 0.

Out of curiosity, which services have a hard dependency on timesyncd?
Remember that you can override any system provided units by placing
your replacements in /etc/systemd.


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