Re: [chrony-users] Does chrony support the DHCP option ntp-servers?

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That missing script is /etc/dhcp/dhclient.d/ It all should
    work out of the box. I maintain the chrony package in RHEL/CentOS. :)

Oh wow, that's good to hear!  Do you then know which package I need to install to get  dhclient itself is already installed, but the script is not present.  I tried "dnf provides", but no package was found.

In any case, thank you for all the information provided.

Jason Lewis
Senior Systems Engineer

On 3/31/20, 11:09, "Miroslav Lichvar" <mlichvar@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

    External email – Please make sure you trust the source before clicking links or opening attachments.
    On Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 03:03:17PM +0000, Jason W. Lewis wrote:
    > Miroslav,
    > You are correct, this is about the client-side; I've already got my DHCP server configured.
    > After reading your and Holger's comments, I did realize I was going somewhat in the wrong direction, though.  As I now understand it, the configuration is (at least mostly) with the DHCP client.  I am working on this on CentOS 8, and am using Network Manager.  I see that NM has a chrony script (/etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/20-chrony) which, when the network goes up or down, toggles the on/offline status of chrony.  I also see that it has a script (11-dhclient) looks to see if there are scripts in /etc/dhclient.d, and runs them.  One of the scripts it looks for is one for chrony.  Unfortunately, that directory doesn't exist, much less the script itself.
    That missing script is /etc/dhcp/dhclient.d/ It all should
    work out of the box. I maintain the chrony package in RHEL/CentOS. :)
    > To further potentially complicate things, These systems are PXE booting, so they're getting their info from a DHCP server before the kernel and the OS load.
    I wouldn't expect that to matter. NetworkManager should make its own
    DHCP request.
    Miroslav Lichvar
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