Re: [chrony-users] Configuring chrony debian service - BBB

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Unfortunately chronyd doesn't appear to like that setting. Upon reboot it complained that dropping root privileges was not supported. I rebuilt again without it but now appear to be encountering other problems, more related to BBB and debian I think. Seems like I can't seem to predict very well what device gets assigned for PPS and why. When I started the setup process the PPS was going to /dev/pps0 as I would expect. Then after my last reboot it was getting assigned /dev/pps1 and it appears that device isn't ready at the time chronyd is started by systemd so it has to be started up manually using systemctl which is a no-go for my application. I posted to the BeagleBone google group to see if anyone has ideas as to why. I'm relatively sure it has to do with the startup order from systemd but I'm not expert enough to know how to remedy it.

I want to thank you again for all of the help you've been providing (and the patience). There are sooooo many deep technical details to all of this that it's hard to come up to speed.

On Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 12:04 PM, Joe Smith <joe.smith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
It appears that the apt-get chrony package creates a _chrony user and _chrony group for the daemon. That is the user that currently owns /var/run/chrony. When I started chrony after building/installing from source I did a "sudo systemctl start chrony" and the chronyd.exe process that is running is owned by root.  Given this, it looks like the best course of action is probably to rebuild with the --with-user=_chrony option. I'm assuming (possibly wrongly) that the daemon switches the user to _chrony after it starts up if it's built with that option.

On Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 11:44 AM, Miroslav Lichvar <mlichvar@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 11:15:07AM -0500, Joe Smith wrote:
> Seems to be working now although I do get this warning/error from systemctl
> status chrony
> Wrong owner of /var/run/chrony (UID != 0)
> Not sure that it's significant given that it seems to be running properly.

That indicates the previous chronyd dropped root privileges (the owner
of /var/run/chrony is not root), but the new one is keeping them and
refusing to write to the directory. It will not be possible to use
chronyc to make changes in the configuration until you reboot or
remove the directory and restart chronyd.

You should either recompile chrony with the correct user specified by
the --with-user option, or specify the user with the -u option on
the chronyd command line or use the user directive in chrony.conf.

Miroslav Lichvar

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